Board of Directors on the 94th General Assembly

Picture of GO-AR

The 94th Assembly is coming to a close.

Gun Owners of Arkansas sincerely appreciates the 94th assembly, with a very special thank you to the legislators who sponsored and fought for our proposed legislation. 

Slowly, step by step, GO-AR has fought to regain our rights. We are very appreciative of 2A Women Arkansas for their support and help during this session.

With the Legislation proposed by GO-AR this session, signed by the Governor and clarified in the permitless carry bill placed in 5-73-328, (The CHCL statutes), the only purpose of a CHCL is for reciprocity while traveling to a state that requires a permit.  27 states are permitless carry and will be 28 as soon as Nebraska’s law goes into effect. 

Journey has been defined so that it provides protections in every federal gun free zone that is covered by a permit and clearly states that any time you leave your home for any reason, duration, or purpose, you are on a journey. Contrary to the opinion of some, GO-AR and the Attorney General’s Office do not believe that this statute allows carrying inside of schools.

GO-AR defined vehicle as an extension of your home with all the rights and privileges that entails.

GO-AR proposed legislation passed into law, that defined the terms of a loaded weapon. Before, every municipality could define their definition and there are over 500 Municipalities in the State. 

Our business protection bill that passed into law buffers business owners from civil liability for allowing weapons on their property, effectively encouraging businesses to allow the people the right to bear arms. 

GO-AR proposed legislation last Session and it passed into law removing restrictions for carrying into Municipal Parks.

A state sovereignty law that gives law enforcement the ability to battle federal overreach. The sheriff’s association has gone public against the unconstitutional ATF rules that they are coming out with using this law. 

Imagine if every single gun owner in Arkansas became a paid member of Gun Owners of Arkansas. Think of what we could accomplish.  Join us in this fight.  Help us help you, your children and your grandchildren to regain all of their God given rights.  This fight is not over, it has just begun. 

Gun Owners of Arkansas

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