Upcoming Legislative Session
Here is the story that gave us reason to start this defense fund.
Please Donate!
“In spring/summer 2024 our then 13 year old child was targeted, groomed and ultimately raped by the boyfriend of a family friend. Our family did not know this monster. He just appeared in a place where our child should have been safe and got access to her phone number. And that’s all it took.
We let the justice system do its job. The monster who hurt our child was charged quickly, but released even faster on a $50k bond. He was awaiting court in December for several felonies in relation to what he did to our child.
In the early morning hours on Tuesday, October 8th, 2024, we awoke to our daughter’s dog barking. This is unusual and caused us to check on her. In that moment we lived every parents biggest fear as we realized our teen child was missing.
We frantically searched our home/property and started calling friends, family, and 911. My husband immediately got into his truck to go blindly searching for our child.
By God’s never failing grace, my husband passed this man driving on our road with our minor child in the vehicle. As soon as the predator knew my husband was behind him, he ran. The chase ended in an accident. Aaron was able to retrieve our child alive, but in the process he was attacked and did what he had to do to protect himself and our minor child. He is now facing an outrageous murder 1 charge.
We were able to bring him home on $150k bond, but now we need to retain a legal team. I’m starting this campaign with a goal of $50k but I understand now it will likely cost much more.
My husband is a combat veteran, who has always protected his country and family. I have no doubt our child would have not come home if my husband hadn’t found her. Please help us keep him home with us where he belongs. Any donation is appreciated, but we will also take all the prayers we can get.”
Heather Spencer
Sign Our Petition to Hold The ATF Accountable
First Annual Fundraiser.
We’re excited to invite you to Gun Owners of Arkansas’ first annual fundraiser. We have been very successful over the years with minimal funding fighting and winning in the battle to retain and regain our inalienable rights in Arkansas. It’s a never-ending battle and now the ATF is making it difficult to be a law-abiding gun owner more than ever. Come join us for a fun time raising money to push back at those trying to disarm us.
Please join us for our First Annual GO-AR Fundraising Event, devoted to helping the 4 H Shooting Sports in Arkansas.
Gun Owners of Arkansas
Malinowski press release
Gun Owners of Arkansas is committed to providing Arkansas State officials with a clear and precise message.
As a result of President Joe Biden’s Community Safe Act, Arkansas gun owners and those who support the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution firmly stand united in opposition to the rules now implemented by Executive Order that ultimately led to the shooting death of Bryan Malinowski.
It is no longer safe for Arkansans to rely solely on the Second Amendment as it is written. Gun owners of Arkansas along with other citizens, by petition, request that the Arkansas State Legislature along with the Governor and other constitutional officers send a clear and concise message to the federal government that Arkansans will not fall victim to Federal Government Overreach as a result of the Communities Safe Act, its rules, and federal agencies acting on behalf of the federal government.
Arkansans have a clearly understood Right to Bear Arms. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution firmly states:
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”
It is the duty of the Arkansas Governor, Attorney General, Legislature and all constitutional officers to remind the Biden Administration that the state of Arkansas is sovereign.
The United States Constitution Tenth Amendment guarantees the Arkansas government the power over all matters not specifically outlined in the Federal Constitution.
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Arkansas is home to remote rural areas where citizens have a right to protect themselves and their property.
Arkansans also enjoy some of the best outdoors and hunting opportunities in our nation. Those traditions are threatened by federal overreach.
Every Arkansan has a right to defend themselves and their property from actions by the federal government when it comes to the Second Amendment.
The Second Amendment does not require Arkansans to purchase a license to sell a firearm to a family member, neighbor or friend.
The Second Amendment does not require a family member who inherits a family collection of firearms to obtain a license to liquidate those firearms. Arkansans simply are not required to become a “gun dealer” to go about their everyday lives honoring the traditions that started even before Arkansas was a territory or state.
The Second Amendment does not require Arkansans to feel wary when passing down a gun to their children or grandchildren. This tradition is now threatened by Biden’s Community Safe Act.
Arkansans have a voice, a vested interest in protecting their rights as free citizens of the state of Arkansas as well as free citizens of the United States of America.
It is the duty of every member of the Governor, the Arkansas Legislature, and all constitutional officers to take swift and appropriate action in this matter.
As a result of the case of Bryan Malinowski, Gun Owners of Arkansas recognizes the imminent and immediate threat to the rights of Arkansans.
This petition has been created to demand the State of Arkansas hold the ATF accountable for the raid and Killing of Bryan Malinowski at his home on March the 19th 2024.
Senator Rice, GO-AR Spearhead Effort In AGFC “No Firearms Allowed” Signage Removal
By Tammy Teague – Resident Press – 1-26-24
Senator Rice commended Booths’ efforts and noted, “it’s better, and I appreciate what has been done… I hope you and the commission can relay to them that for the game and fish to be successful, have good relationships and to abide by the State of Arkansas laws, they need to listen to the director and commissioner…”
We Are Committed!
Join / Renew Today!
Support our lobbying efforts and our No Compromise mission by Joining/Renewing today.
Now, more than ever, Arkansas needs a united front in the battle to preserve liberty and freedom. Please stand with us as we focus our efforts to ensure our right to bear arms here in Arkansas and at the federal level is preserved and strengthened.
Your Rights Matter
We Continually Work to Have, Yours and Our, Gun Rights Restored
Meet Your Legislators Day
Jan. 9th 2023 "Meet Your Legislators Day" Was A Huge Success!
The days event started with a welcome from the President of Gun Owners of Arkansas, Gary Epperson.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Capitol event ” Meet Your Legislator Day” January 9th. In spite of the acoustics in the Rotunda, the event had a huge impact with our Legislators. All of the Legislators that dropped by the meeting at the end said that they enjoyed the event and thanked all of you for taking the time to come to the capitol. Keep in mind that day was a very hectic day for them with all of the swearing in and other activities of the day.
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